
Creating Directories With Fluent Interface

A short story about refactoring of a simple utility method - from boolean parameters to the fluent interface. All in the name of making the API perfect. :)


Code Retreat, Cracow, 2011 - Been There, Done That

I attended Global Day Code Retreat, Kraków, 2011. It was a very nice event. Below you will find some notes about it.


Visualization Of Dependent Test Methods

One day I started to experiment with visualization of test dependencies. I thought that maybe Graphviz can help to provide some nice diagrams that would help me see instantly what went wrong, and why some tests are skipped. In this post I present my achievements so far.


Getters/Setters Revisited - Validation of Order Class

This is a continuation of the post devoted to some code smells that was vigorously commented in favour of ugly, anti-OO code design :). Thanks God, I also got an interesting question regarding this problem.

Seems to me, that this topic should be discussed one more time.


How Programming Books Promote Code Smells

This rant is dedicated to code examples (found in books) that promote bad programming habits. Some of them can be counted among famous code smells.

...for God's sake, books should be educational in every aspect !


Is test-first any better than test-last? oh, yes it is!

Is test-first better than test-last ? Is there a significant difference in the quality of code developed using these approaches ? It's hard to say for sure. My gut feeling (and experience) tells me that test-first is superior. Sometimes I find evidences for this claim. Like the one I present in this blog post.


"Untestable" code - Groovy

This is a part of "Untestable code" series. See the introduction to know what is it all about (yes, you really should go there, do it).

The main idea of the series is to write unit-tests for a particularly nasty piece of code. In this part I will use Groovy language to write test cases... well, not exactly. The point is that you can't do it with Groovy. :(


GeeCON 2009 conference, Cracow, Poland

The GeeCON 2009 ( conference is over :( This is a sad news, because this event was GREAT !

It took place on 7-8th of May in my home town of Cracow, Poland. I enjoyed every bit of it - from interesting sessions to great catering.

GeeCON 2009

This conference was special to me, because I was one of the speakers there with "Automation of functional tests" session. :)


4Developers conference, 2009 Cracow, Poland

Today I've spent few hours on 4Developers conference, in Cracow, Poland (

Shortly speaking - it was a very interesting conference, and I am really glad I've been there. Kudos to ogranisers, speakers and IT folks that I met there !


"Untestable" code - JtestR

This is a part of "Untestable code" series. See the introduction to know what is it all about (yes, you really should go there, do it).

The main idea of the series is to write unit-tests for a particularly nasty piece of code. In this part I will use JtestR library to write test cases... well, not exactly. The point is that you can't do it with JtestR. :(


This used to be my blog. I moved to long time ago.


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