
I don't write unit tests expecting to catch a lot of failures later, I write them to prevent coding defects now

— Jeff Langr

Integration tests help you to validate if your software is working properly. Unit tests help you to find why your software is breaking.

— Wilfred Springer


TDD is a robust way of designing software components (“units”) interactively so that their behaviour is specified through unit tests.

— Steven Sanderson

I don't think anybody tests enough of anything.

— James Gosling

Breaking the problem down into testable steps is the art of test-driven development.

— Jason Gorman

Unit tests are small, and have no side effects or hidden dependencies. That means no talking to the database, and no calls to web services, and no calling the file system. Keep It Simple and keep it fast.

— Bob Gregory

Unit tests are, after all, specifications. If they’re broken, then so is your app.

— Bob Gregory

We are all the same, under pressure we fall back on what we know; hit a few difficulties in TDD and developers stop writing tests.

— Ian Cooper

Test a little, code a little.

TDD mantra

Test-driven development is very much an acquired habit. Once one has "gotten the hang of it," writing code in any other way can seem just as strange as TDD seems to those who have never done it.

— Gerard Meszaros

xUnit Test Patterns

This used to be my blog. I moved to http://tomek.kaczanowscy.pl long time ago.


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