Eclipse Code Templates for TestNG DataProviders

If you use Eclipse & TestNG you might be interested in these two simple code templates that will help you to create DataProviders.

I use Eclipse, I use TestNG and I like very much DataProviders.

Below I publish two code templates for Eclipse, that let me create tests with DataProviders in no time.

name: dataProvider

@DataProvider(name = "${dataProviderName}")
public Object[][] ${dataProviderMethodName}() {
return new Object[][] { ${cursor} };

name: dataProviderTest

@Test(dataProvider = "${dataProviderName}")
public void ${testMethodName}(${cursor}) {


Hello, thank you for the post and the templates, they helped me a lot. Just found some reference tips at on Code templates in Eclipse, thought maybe readers would find it practical and make use of it.

Note that the latest Eclipse

Note that the latest Eclipse plug-in has a "New file" wizard that can create a @DataProvider example for you...


thanks, but I prefer the code templates

Hello Cedric,

I tried to follow your advice, but it is way too much clicking for me. And I rather create @DataProviders when I already have a test class, so the wizard is not an option here.

I will stay with code template, but it is always good to know other options.


This used to be my blog. I moved to long time ago.


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