Testing Newsletter - November 2011
Summary on what happened in JVM (Java, Groovy, Scala) developers testing world in November 2011. EasyMock 3.1, JUnit Params 0.3, TestNG users survey, database testing tips and many more goodies. Enjoy!
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You will find much more about testing in my book
"Practical Unit Testing
with TestNG and Mockito"
Welcome to the November September 2011 issue of a monthly newsletter devoted to developers testing tools and trends in the JVM world.
So, let us see what important things happened in November 2011.
Testing Tools, Frameworks & Articles About Them
- 0.3 release of junitparams http://code.google.com/p/junitparams/ This project fixes prametrized JUnit tests (which are cumbersome to use). Good job, really. Kind of what TestNG offers out-of-the-box. :)
- A new group for JUnit developers was created on Linkedin. If you plan to join then read this post http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/junit/message/23766
- New TestNG release - 6.3.1. Mainly a bugfix release. Added new property - dataproviderthreadcount. See full release notes here: http://groups.google.com/group/testng-users/browse_thread/thread/9b8f043...
- Results of TestNG users survey (Q4 2011) are available at http://tinyurl.com/testng-survey-2011-q4-results
- Interesting discussion on distributed TestNG - hopefully some implementation will follow http://groups.google.com/group/testng-dev/browse_thread/thread/e093f00d9...
- 5th installment of Effective Mockito - this time on Answers. Make sure you also read comments under the blog post! http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2011/11/16/effective-mockito-part-5/
- Interesting comparison of TestNG and Spock http://groups.google.com/group/spockframework/browse_thread/thread/7fd0e...
- Some hints on date ("to be released soon") and content of the next Spock release 0.6 http://groups.google.com/group/spockframework/browse_thread/thread/8d6c1...
- ScalaMock 2.1 released http://groups.google.com/group/scalatest-users/browse_thread/thread/110e...
- Good explanation of parallel tests execution with ScalaTest http://groups.google.com/group/scalatest-users/browse_thread/thread/a9dc...
- Good article on JBehave http://deepintojee.wordpress.com/2011/11/24/testing-rest-content-negotia...
- Wow! EasyMock 3.1 released! http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/easymock/message/1653 Mainly a bug-fix release, with two additional improvements http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/EASYMOCK-88 and http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/EASYMOCK-104
- New feature of Randoop Eclipse plugin http://code.google.com/p/randoop/
Integration/End-to-end Testing Tools
- Restfuse, a new junit extension for REST/HTTP integration tests, has gained some attention recently after its 1.0.0 release - including InfoQ article http://www.infoq.com/news/2011/11/restfuse-1-0-0 and on authors blog http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2011/11/14/introducing-restfuse-a-junit-e...
- Devoxx 2011 Arquillian slides http://www.slideshare.net/rafaelliu/make-it-testdriven-with-cdi
- mrunit -"a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop map reduce jobs" - released version 0.5 https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=1231129...
- As usual few interesting articles on Selenium Blog http://feeds.feedburner.com/Selenium
- Another good article of testing GWT with Selenium 2.5 and Maven. Very detailed with lot of code details. http://blog.progs.be/199/selenium-testing-your-gwt-application-using-maven
- "Better Safe Than Sony" webinare available online http://www.soapui.org/soapUI-News/watch-yesterdays-webinar.html
Code Coverage
- Jacoco 0.5.4 released http://www.eclemma.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/changes.html
Articles, Blogs, Discussions on Developers Tests
- Interesting article in the latest JAXenter Java Tech Journal http://jaxenter.com/java-tech-journal/ on "Succeeding With and Sustaining TDD" by Jeff Langr
- All the Google Test Automation Conference (GTAC) 2011 talks are now available at http://www.gtac.biz/talks
- If you need to explain TDD to a non-programmer (hey boss!) you could point him/her to this article by Jeff Langr: Test-Driven Development A Guide For Non-Programmers http://pragprog.com/magazines/2011-11/testdriven-development
- Database testing has its gotchas, so you better read this article by Szymon Guz http://simononsoftware.com/the-importance-of-database-testing/
See you next month!
If you happen to author a testing-related tool or wrote interesting article, and would like to be mentioned in the newsletter, please contact me by mail.
Thank you, this is the end of Testing Newsletter November 2011 issue.
I plan to publish the newsletter monthly bringing the news from JUnit, TestNG, Spock, ScalaTest, jBehave, easyb, Mockito, EasyMock, JMock, Powermock, FEST Assertions, Hamcrest, Arquillian, Cargo, Selenium, soapUI, jMeter and many more.
This used to be my blog. I moved to http://tomek.kaczanowscy.pl long time ago.
Very good collection
Hi, they are very good tools for coders. Thanks for your sharing. I think you can add another collection which is for code review, e.g., reviewboard. How do you think?
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short of time, sorry
The idea is nice, but I'm short of time, and will not be able to take care of another group of tools. I want to stick to testing realm (which is huge enough for me). :)