
Javarsovia 2010 - been there, done that

Shortly speaking Javarsovia 2010 was great! I enjoyed it very much.

I want to thank very much to all people involved in the organization of this event. Great job! Everything worked fine and I was really impressed by the number of people that came to Javarsovia 2010.


Untestable Code - introduction

This is the first part of series of posts dedicated to the problems of unit-testing of some "untestable" code.

Sometimes, (more often than I'm ready to admit), I stumble over a piece of code which makes me doubt completely in my testing skills and sometimes even in unit testing in general. I've spend a lot of time trying to deal with such a "untestable" code. In this series of posts I'm gonna show you what I've learned.


This used to be my blog. I moved to long time ago.


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