GeeCON 2009 conference, Cracow, Poland
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Sat, 05/09/2009 - 14:01The GeeCON 2009 (http://geecon.org/) conference is over :( This is a sad news, because this event was GREAT !
It took place on 7-8th of May in my home town of Cracow, Poland. I enjoyed every bit of it - from interesting sessions to great catering.
This conference was special to me, because I was one of the speakers there with "Automation of functional tests" session. :)
"Untestable" code - JtestR
Submitted by Tomek Kaczanowski on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 20:47This is a part of "Untestable code" series. See the introduction to know what is it all about (yes, you really should go there, do it).
The main idea of the series is to write unit-tests for a particularly nasty piece of code. In this part I will use JtestR library to write test cases... well, not exactly. The point is that you can't do it with JtestR. :(
This used to be my blog. I moved to http://tomek.kaczanowscy.pl long time ago.