
New Team

Recently I have spent some time thinking about teams. How it happens that few people become a team? What factors are at play? This is pretty important to me right now because few weeks ago I moved to a new team. And I want this team become fantastic. So there is plenty to think about and plenty to do.


REST Testing MindMap

1000 words about testing of REST. Nothing impressive, simply a dump of my thought regarding this subject.


Ishikawa Diagram

Today I have learnt about Ishikawa diagram (AKA fishbone diagrams, herringbone diagrams, cause-and-effect diagrams, or Fishikawa). And I started to wonder whether it makes sense to use it to diagnose the issues related to the production of software. (I will not explain Ishikawa diagram in this post, so please have a look at Wikipedia description if it does not ring any bells for you).


This used to be my blog. I moved to http://tomek.kaczanowscy.pl long time ago.


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