soft skills

Javarsovia 2010 - been there, done that

Shortly speaking Javarsovia 2010 was great! I enjoyed it very much.

I want to thank very much to all people involved in the organization of this event. Great job! Everything worked fine and I was really impressed by the number of people that came to Javarsovia 2010.


Gradle talk on Javarsovia 2010 - presentation, source code and comments

Here come slides, source code and some comments on my Gradle talk on Javarsovia 2010. Enjoy!


How to Make Your Geeky Presentation Worse

So you are a geek? And you want to present a technical topic on JUG or maybe some conference? Ok, here comes some anti-patterns that will help you to ruin your talk. :)


This used to be my blog. I moved to long time ago.


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